First of Many

Hello all! First Blog!

Today I received my first customer interaction from an individual who purchased my book. It was a brief message from social media, but it made my heart flutter. She told me she just received a copy of my book and that she was going to read it to pass the time as she was feeling under the weather. I was enthralled by her response, not that she was feeling sick and perhaps going through covid19, but that she was going to utilize her time wisely with my book, MY BOOK! Like wow! Her statement is the reason why I continue to write to inspire and hopefully, it will make her day better. I hope I hear back from her concerning her health.

I look forward to seeing and hearing more responses as more copies are being sold, but I also have this creeping feeling of imposter syndrome. I’ve completed the task of creating the collection and marketing it, but I have yet to acknowledge its worth and see the fruits of my labor transpire into anything of monetary gain.

I mean the above response from a customer was wonderful, I fear that my mind will not allow me to accept my accomplishment until a few more weeks, until then I will continue to write as I see fit and work on other daily tasks.

Until then, my friends; “stay true, find peace…never sunder.”

-Kunthon Meas


The Real Task Begins


Book Launch